Sunday, July 5, 2015

People, fucking people!

I hate when ppl do not know enough about you, but they persists on making judgements.  When they speak about you and your friends, but do not have a pot to piss in.  It is really irritating when you bend over backwards for ppl who won't even take two steps fowaed for you.  Those are ppl that you need to rid yourself of.  Don't allow ppl to make a mockery of your relationship with them.  Whether it be a friendship, work relationship, love relationship, etc.

Ppl will use you until you have served your purpose to them.  They will drop you quicker than you can see.  One small disagreement and you get to see how truly fucked up a person is.  They will say anything to get under your skin and as soon as you retaliate, you are the bad one.  Sometimes we just have to let ppl go.  Not for themselves, but for yourself.  They're going to do bad anyway, so just let them be bad all by themselves.

You do you!

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