Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Why is it so hard to tell someone how you feel?  I, like so many people fear rejection, but I have to live with it.

I once told this guy that I was attracted to him and he told me to "ease myself".   WTF does that mean?   I'm the type of person to put myself out there and if I don't get the response that I want, I just fall all the way the fuck back.

Idk what to do. Should I pursue someone who I think I would have an amazing relationship with or should I just back off?

I'm just lost...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Di*ked Down

All I want is one guy to rock my world thoroughly, put me to sleep and then go home.   Why is that so hard to find? !

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day before Vacation

I am a hot mess!  There is so much that needs to be done.  Leave it to me to wait until the last day to do my laundry, get mani/pedi, PACK and still do my hair. 

To top it off, I met someone new who I have practically fallen for...

Get it together Nash!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Vacation Ready...I think

I literally have nothing prepared for my trip to Caribana.  The only way you could tell I am going is the fact that I already purchased my tickets.  I have nothing packed, no outfits, my hair isn't done, etc.  Idk what to do.  The countdown is on, as I leave next Wednesday.  To top it off, I'm broke.  Granted I have money for the trip, but I'll be shaking my cup for coins on the subway soon, lol.

Oh lottery, just let me win something.  Even if it's 500$, I'll take that and be happy! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lactose Intolerance

It really sucks when you cannot eat diary.  I mean I can eat it, but I have to be inside.  The messed up part about it, is that it comes and goes.  One minute I'm indulging in a pizza slice at work and my tummy is fine and the next all hell breaks loose in my pants lol.  I just want to eat freely.  Yes there are food that I can eat that does not include lactose, but I've never heard of lactose free pizza.  If it does exist, please let me know where I can find it.  Please! I fucking love pizza!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

NYC Crime

It seems like over the past recent years crime in NYC has increased.  From fatal shootings and stabbings, to petty theft. It seems like the precious gift of life is lost to our and the upcoming generations.  There is no respect or responsibility.  Everyone is for him or herself.  No one is valuing life anymore; taking it for granted and living carelessly day by day.  With all the happenings that are occurring in our communities, in our cities, in our country, in the world today, we should be thankful for each breath we have.  We tend to stray and look past what is going on in our own backyards to focus on other happenings around the world, forgetting that CHANGE starts at home.  It's great that we are becoming active participants for a better society, but we also need to be active in our homes for our children, nieces, nephews, etc. If we continue to live the way we do, society will continue to crumble and it will simply become a war amongst ourselves.

Let's get our shit together NYC. GET IT TOGETHER!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

People, fucking people!

I hate when ppl do not know enough about you, but they persists on making judgements.  When they speak about you and your friends, but do not have a pot to piss in.  It is really irritating when you bend over backwards for ppl who won't even take two steps fowaed for you.  Those are ppl that you need to rid yourself of.  Don't allow ppl to make a mockery of your relationship with them.  Whether it be a friendship, work relationship, love relationship, etc.

Ppl will use you until you have served your purpose to them.  They will drop you quicker than you can see.  One small disagreement and you get to see how truly fucked up a person is.  They will say anything to get under your skin and as soon as you retaliate, you are the bad one.  Sometimes we just have to let ppl go.  Not for themselves, but for yourself.  They're going to do bad anyway, so just let them be bad all by themselves.

You do you!